Meet Katie Cupcake, our Pinup of the month for September. Katie is a cupcake-craving gal who knows that Pinup is for everybody. Originally from Brisbane, Australia but now living in Otago, New Zealand, Katie is truly the Pinup from the lands down under!

How did you choose your Pinup name? I was brainstorming with a friend of mine one day. I knew that I wanted to keep my initials (K and C) and loved the name Katie so needed something that friend was pregnant and craving cupcakes at the time and hey presto! Miss Katie Cupcake was created.
Why do you love pinup?
I have always had a tendancy to be chronically overdressed. My Mum often likes to remind me of the times growing up I would be out mucking out the horse paddocks in the most beautiful skirts and dresses. I love that I get to express my individuality and bring some color into peoples lives. Here in Dunedin (especially during the winter) everyone wears black and its just depressing!
Would you like to share your favourite beauty tip?
People often ask me how I got so good at doing my hair and make up and my answer is PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE! I mastered winged eyeliner by doing it over and over again while my kids were in the bath and I spent many a night sitting at my mirror playing with my hair. Youtube tutorials are also fantastic, I especially like Miss Victory Violet, A Vintage Vanity and Cherry Dollface.

What’s your favourite aspect of the Pinup and Rockabilly subculture?
For me I love the sense of belonging and empowerment that has come with it. I have made some fantastic friends and met the most amazing, strong women in my journey. The whole community works together to bring everyone up regardless of size, gender, ethnicity, disability etc. I love that inclusiveness.
When did you know that pinup was the right thing for you?
I had dabbled for a while just on special occasions but then I turned 30 a realised that I no longer cared what anyone thought and decided to be true to myself and do what makes me happy. Once I started flouncing around in petticoats and red lippy every day there was no stopping me!

What advice would you like to give to new pinups?
I hear a lot from people "Oh I love that style but I couldnt do that" and my response is always "Yes, you can!" Pinup is for everyone!
Favourite business shoutout!
Kabella Baby in Christchurch! Kaye is the most wonderful person and has become a great friend as well. She not only sells the most beautiful things but supports and encourages people in their journeys.
What's your favourite season?
Definitely summer! I'm origionally from Queensland, Australia and I love the heat, and wearing all the pretty things during Summer is the best.

Image credits
Image 1 - Dolly Up Photography​
Image 2 - Brad Reeve Photos, Hair by Lady Loulou Bell, Makeup by Lady Lovecraft