This month we're upping our hair game with Poison Apple Hair, and letting it down with May Pinup of the Month Vienna De Havilland, who has some excellent advice about rules and being true to yourself that we wholeheartedly agree with.

How did you choose your Pinup name?
Of course, it’s a reference to the amazing Olivia de Havilland, but there’s a more personal connection — my family boasts four generations of pilots and actually owns a de Havilland Tiger Moth, our pride and joy. And Vienna is just a breathtakingly beautiful city (and my favourite Billy Joel song!) Why do you love pinup?
For me personally, there's a real power in reclaiming traditional femininity in a modern context. I'm a potty-mouthed, heavily tattooed, loudmouth feminist in high heels and a petticoat -- and that combination disarms the hell out of people.

Would you like to share your favourite beauty tip?
SLEEP. A good night's sleep makes more difference than a thousand bucks worth of skincare items. (This is not advice I'm very good at following.) What’s your favourite aspect of the Pinup and Rockabilly subculture?
How inclusive and welcoming its members are! When did you know that pinup was the right thing for you?
I moved to Christchurch a couple of years ago and was immediately adopted by the local pinup scene. I'm not great at making new friends and this amazing group of people just sort of took the nervousness out of my hands by slotting me in!

What advice would you like to give to new pinups?
Love what you love and don't worry about the 'pinup rules'! If you feel great in a leopard print top and floral skirt, rock that combo. Don't feel like you have to have a winged liner and perfectly curled hair to be a 'real pinup'. Find your style and own it. If you could be a Disney villain or princess, who would you be?
I'm not sure I'd want to BE any of them -- although I'd love to play Ursula in the Broadway version of The Little Mermaid.

Image 1 - De Havilland Tiger Moth
Photographer: Brad Reeve Photography
Hair - Lady LouLou Bell
Makeup - Lady Lovecraft
Image 2
Photographer: J.Mc Photography & Cinema
Hair/Makeup: Makeup by Nelz
Image 3
Photographer: Elizabeth J Pin Up Photography
Hair - Aimee from Valentino's Hair Design
Makeup - Makeup by Nelz
Image 4
Photographer: Elizabeth J Pin Up Photography
Hair/Makeup: Beauty School Dropouts