We love learning more about our wonderful sponsors and their brands! This time we are talking to Brittney, from Orchard corset, our March Pinup of the Month sponsor. We love Orchard Corset's corsets (particularly the underbust mesh corsets) they are a pinup silhouette's best friend! Seriously, we cannot rave about them enough - comfy, breathable, excellent quality and at a more accessible price point than many corsets out there.
Not only do Orchard Corsets have corsets on their site but they also have a corset library and a bunch of resources from how to find your right size and style, to how to waist train and wear different styles. Go ahead and check it out!
Orchard Corset have also joined our Facebook Group so they can answer any corset questions you have!
How did you get into producing corsets
This is a fun question and one that I love to answer! Our wonderful owners had one of the first eBay shops when eBay launched way back when, they are true American Pickers and would find and sell all sorts of vintage goods including tools, clothing, house decor etc. They came across a vintage girdle and when it sold quickly and for substantially more than they could have ever expected they started thinking about vintage underpinnings. At the time there were very few options like that available online. A short time later, they met our silent partners in New York and the rest is history!

What do you love most about them?
I love that corsets are like a shot of confidence. I love when someone is laced up for the first time and they see their new curves, it brings a smile to my face! Â
How long have you been with Orchard Corset?
I have worked at Orchard Corset for 5.5 years, I was hired as a customer service agent and started taking little pieces of marketing here and there. Now I am the Social Media Manager and Customer Service Manager, I also model for us often and am in many of our YouTube videos.
What was the inspiration behind the name Orchard Corset
Our name actually comes from our silent partners in New York City, we have a sister store called Orchard Corset Discount Center on Orchard Street on the Lower East Side. However, if you visited us at our headquarters in Wenatchee, Washington you'd notice that we are actually surrounded by fruit orchards and you'd think we named the business. In fact, our hometown is proud to be named the Apple Capital of The World!
What is your most popular corset?
Our most popular corset is by far the Hourglass Curve Mesh CS-201 Waspie, this corset checks all the boxes. It's comfortable, curvy, easy to style and because it is short and lightweight- it is a great option for daily waist training.
What kind of testing and designing goes into each style so you can recommend the right one for every body?
It depends on what we are bringing in, if it's just a new fabric that we are unsure of we like to have our team members rigorously wear and break the corsets in to test the strength of any potential new fabrics. The shantung corsets we have offered in the last 2 years is a great example of that. We loved this fabric but it seemed too delicate for daily wear, so our team was tasked with testing the samples to the limits. When we were designing our Extreme Curve CS-479, we brought different sized and shaped fit models in to tweak the pattern until we were pleased with the result. This can take just a few weeks for testing fabrics and as long as a year for designing a new corset model. Â
As far as talking to individual people, our sizing team goes over each set of measurements and calculates their best fit with what we call "corset math". We compare their natural measurements against the dimensions of all of our corets taking into consideration their needs, expectations and dislikes. Training new sizing experts can be a lengthy process. Because corsets are such unique garments, the training for proper sizing can take quite a bit of time. Â

What is the best corset for waist training?
This is a question we are asked quite frequently! The best corset for waist training is the one that fits that person's figure the best, what is best for you may not be best for the next person. We encourage you to take your measurements and send them to our team for help. We also have a wealth of resources on our website to help you find your perfect fit on your own, too if you are more of a do it yourself type of person ;)
What is your personal favourite corset?
Oh, I can't decide! I have a few for different reasons. I love how the PVC CS-201 looks in photos, it is dramatic and eye catching. The CS-426 standard in leather is incredibly comfortable, I like to wear this one when I need a hug. The mesh CS-511 overbust is a style that makes me feel like I can take on the world, though. Seriously, you have to try this one! It's a longline overbust style with a sweetheart neckline. Because it is made of mesh, it's really easy to layer this one under your clothing (we call this corset stealthing).
What is the one thing you wish everyone knew about corsets?
Corsets shouldn't be painful! Too many people assume that corsets are painful, thanks media! If you are in the right size and style for your figure and you are listening to your body, pain shouldn't enter the equation. I

We love your mesh corsets! What was the inspiration behind that fabric choice?
Ahh, thank you! We wanted to offer an alternative for waist training in the hot Summer months and humid climates. Rewind back many years ago; the only fabrics we offered were cotton, satin, leather and brocade. Many of us thought that cotton would be the most comfortable option for cooler corseting, we weren't totally wrong but we weren't totally right either. The cotton was still quite thick and hot but not as much as the other fabrics we carried. We received a sample of a fabric block corset with mesh and satin corset and we were very intrigued. We initially introduced a new corset entirely in mesh, this was our CS-201. It wasn't yet available in other fabrics. It's now so popular that we carry it in almost all of our corsets.  We always offer mesh in black and beige, but throughout the year we like to offer fun colors. At this point I think we have had just about every color under the sun; white, yellow, mustard, purple, lavender, fuschia, aqua, coral, blue, red, red with black. Â
If you can tell us, what exciting plans does Orchard corset have for 2020?
Updates, updates! Our biggest projects are mostly internal, but you all will get to enjoy the benefits. You can already see our new Corset Library in action, this information has always been available on our website but we wanted to put it together in a more user friendly way. As always we have at least one new Limited Edition corset at the first of every month as well as our seasonally available Limited Edition satin laces. I know that we have some very exciting Limited Editions to release over the next few months, too. Â
April's Limited Edition corsets are on the site now, and chartreuse is the colour of spring 2020!