To be Superman you need to be a demi-god. Wonder Woman requires access to an invisible jet. And the estimated cost of being Batman today is $682,450,750. However you don't need any of these things to be your own superhero. All you need is the drive and the want to help others. That is where Pinup Power comes in!
Miss Bambi L'Amour, founder of Pinup Power says that she created the group to not only live out her Superhero fantasy, but also as a way to express gratitude for the fortunate life she leads.
"The pinup lifestyle has given me so much. I have been afforded the most amazing opportunities, experiences and friendships that I simply didn't believe I had access to before I found pinup. I am grateful every day for the happiness and joy I have found within the pinup community. The least I can do is spread some of this joy to others who might really need it."
Visit any car show, pageant or vintage sale and you will be surrounded by funny, friendly and oh so talented women (and men!) at every turn. Pinup is so much more than fluffy petticoats and victory rolls to these ladies. It is about building confidence, being yourself and finding a tribe that loves you for you.
"The Pinup lifestyle is absolutely thriving here in Melbourne", said Miss L'Amour, "I knew there had to be some way of harnessing all this awesome-ness in the name of good!".
Pinup Power completed its first 'mission' (Bambi's name for Pinup Power events... can you tell she might read a few comic books!) in December by spreading some Christmas cheer to residents of Kew Gardens Aged Care Facility.
"We had three generous girls come for the afternoon to lead some carols, make Christmas crafts and chat to the residents who loved sharing their stories (and their jokes). The facility was very grateful to have us and loved our unique initiative."

The next mission is all about spreading the love on the 12th of February in Ballarat. All details for upcoming missions can be found at Pinup Power's Facebook page. Alternatively feel free to contact Miss Bambi L'Amour if you have any questions about the event.