USA, Tennessee, Oakridge - Belles and Bombshells of Tennessee
The Belles and Bombshells of Tennessee have around 20 members and are growing every month. We were started by an Army Veteran as a way to give back to other military Veterans and organisations.

We have just around 20 members now in our 2nd year and are growing every month. We were started by an Army Veteran as a way to give back to other military Veterans and organizations. We attend Honor Air Knoxville. This wonderful nation wide event allows Veterans from all services and eras to flight free of charge to Washington DC and have a tour of all the monuments and museums dedicated to US military history. Honor Air comes twice a year to Knoxville's McGhee Tyson Airport, our local airport. Several of the gals have learned old war songs and sing for local organizations such as the American Legion and AmVets. We help with Veterans breakfast at the Secret City Festival in Oak Ridge , TN USA. There are no restrictions to join our group other than be willing to put a smile on Veterans faces. We welcome gals and guys that are "In the Mood".